Hospital located in New Haven area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies and asthma.
Condition: Asthma
UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Food allergy research center located in the Pittsburgh area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies and asthma, as well as provides information on allergenic conditions. Provides information to referring healthcare professionals.
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Food allergy research center located in the Madison area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies and asthma, as well as provides information on institution research. Connects patients to clinical trials and other research opportunities.
University of Virginia
Food allergy discovery center located in the Charlottesville area. Connects patients with clinical trials. Provides information on center research, as well as allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies.
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Food allergy discovery center located in the Dallas area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies, as well as connects patients to clinical trials. Provides information on allergenic conditions.
University of South Florida, Pediatrics (St. Petersburg)
Food allergy research center located in the Tampa area. Hosts useful tools for parents of children with allergenic conditions. Provides information on allergenic conditions.
University of South Florida (Tampa)
Food allergy research center located in the Tampa area. Provides information for research sponsors and volunteers.
University of Rochester
Food allergy research center located in the Rochester area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies and asthma, as well as provides information about allergenic conditions. Publishes information about institution research.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Pediatric Allergy Immunology
Food allergy discovery center located in the Baltimore area. Allows patients to schedule appointments to diagnose and treat food allergies, as well as provides information on allergenic conditions.
Stanford University, Sean N. Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research
Food allergy discovery center located in the Stanford area. Provides information on center research, as well as provides information on allergenic conditions.